Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Charles Darwin and the Theory of Evolution Essay

In the 1850s, Charles Darwin proposed his theory of evolution. His theory proposed that species evolved gradually through subtle changes from one generation to the next by means of natural selection. By natural selection, the most desirable hereditary traits become more common from one generation to the next while the less desirable, weaker traits die out. This gives rise to an organism that is more capable—fitted to—of surviving in the surrounding environment. At the time Darwin formulated his idea beginning with his trip on the HMS Beagle in the 1830s, some scientists resorted to the idea that God had preordained life by natural laws rather than by miraculous feats. While logical and correct, the idea still refers to a divine power, indicating a religious bent, so perhaps it was obvious that the ideas addressed could lead to religious controversy. As is common in science, Darwin’s concept arose from ideas garnered from a number of scientists of his time. Some researchers of the time believed that natural laws were responsible for life. While Darwin’s ideas did not account for the processes believed to account for life at the time, there was a theory at the time thought to account for life. Most thought that species were transmuted from one species into another. The problem with transmutation, an idea that is similar to evolution in some respects, is that a species may change through transmutation, but it will still be the same species. A dog may change into a different type of dog, but it will still be a dog; likewise, for a cat or any other species. Evolution dictates that the entire animal kingdom can grow through stages from one species into another over time. Birds came from reptiles, mammals came from birds and humans came from non-humans. (Lewontin, 1981) The data is unequivocal. During his voyage on HMS Beagle, Darwin found fossil remains of gigantic mammals that were recently extinct with no indication that their extinction had been caused by climate changes or catastrophic events. Although he believed that the remains he found were related to species in Africa or Europe, examination of the remains Darwin found showed that they were only related to other species found only in the Americas. Creationists insist that life came about from God in six days. While most evolutionists attack creationism on the grounds of scientific facts, there is another line of evidence virtually unnoticed by those who support evolution theory. Historians and archeologists have learned that the biblical story of creation came from the myths of another culture. Stories presented in the Bible evolved slowly over time, long before religions existed, and incorporated tales from many cultures. The story of the Garden of Eden, the serpent and the Tree of Life, for example, are said to have been depicted on an Akkadian Cylinder Seal nearly 2500 years before Christ. The serpent itself was viewed as a deity. Notice: â€Å"No one familiar with the mythologies of the primitive, ancient, and Oriental worlds can turn to the Bible without recognizing counterparts on every page, transformed, however, to render an argument contrary to the older faiths. In Eve’s scene at the tree, for example, nothing is said to indicate that the serpent who appeared and spoke to her was a deity in his own right, who had been revered in the Levant for at least seven thousand years before the composition of the Book of Genesis. There is in the Louvre a carved green steatite vase, inscribed c. 025 BC by King Gudaea of Lagash, dedicated to a late Sumerian manifestation of this consort of the goddess, under his title Ningizzida, ‘Lord of the Tree of Truth. ‘† p. 9. â€Å"The Serpent’s Bride. † Joseph Campbell. Occidental Mythology, The Masks of God. Arkana. New York. Viking Penguin Books. 1964, 1991 reprint The information in the Old T estament dates from about 1450 BC until 200 BC. This means that, contrary to the strongly held beliefs of most Christians, the creation story of Genesis is actually derived from the myths of ancient Sumerians. Therefore, the story is a myth. This means that those who against Darwin’s ideas on religious grounds based on their beliefs in the accuracy of the story in Genesis have unknowingly chosen to accept myth over facts. While they believe the myth to be factual, archeological evidence demonstrates otherwise. The scientific evidence leans heavily in support of Darwin’s ideas. While we may not fully understand some aspects behind the mechanism of evolution, we are continuously learning more about those mechanisms. (Dobzhansky, 1973) Dobzhansky states: Let me try to make crystal clear what is established beyond reasonable doubt, and what needs further study, about evolution. Evolution as a process that has always gone on in the history of the earth can be doubted only by those who are ignorant of the evidence or are resistant to evidence, owing to emotional blocks or to plain bigotry. By contrast, the mechanisms that bring evolution about certainly need study and clarification. There are no alternatives to evolution as history that can withstand critical examination. Yet we are constantly learning new and important facts about evolutionary mechanisms. Theodosius Dobzhansky, â€Å"Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in Light of Evolution†, American Biology Teacher vol. 35 (March 1973) reprinted in Evolution versus Creationism, J. Peter Zetterberg ed. , ORYX Press, Phoenix AZ 1983. Darwin (1859) believed that whales evolved from bears based on a scenario where selective pressures might cause this evolution, but he was criticized for this idea and removed the suggestion. Gould, 1995) Today, there is much more fossil evidence for the evolution of many species thus supporting the idea of evolution as a general biological principle, including the evolution of whales from lower animals. Evidence in support of evolution exists at many levels. There is paleontological evidence based on fossils, morphological evidence that relate the body morphology of higher animals to lower animals, evidence from molecular biology and from embryology. Added to this, the chronological picture that results is consistent with other lines of evidence. For example, the evidence for the evolution of whales from lower animals is convincing. Whales have been closely studied with respect to evolution. If evolution is valid, transitional stages from one level of evolution to another should exist. Although the fossil remains of whales spotty for a long time, recent fossil discoveries have more than adequately lent support to the concept of evolution for whales. Researchers state that independent lines of evidence from different disciplines confirm the pattern of evolution in whales. John Ray recognized that whales were mammals rather than fish in 1693 based on their similarity to terrestrial mammals. (Barnes, 1984) In 1883, Flower (see Barnes, 1984) found that whales had vestigial characteristics in common with terrestrial mammals just as humans have vestigial tails, the coccyx. Findings similar to these led to the concept of ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny. ’ This concept is briefly explained in further detail below. Flower (1883) recognized that the whales have persistent rudimentary and vestigial features characteristic of terrestrial mammals, thus confirming that the direction of descent was from terrestrial to marine species. On the basis of morphology, Flower also linked whales with the ungulates; he seems to have been the first person to do so. Today, we know that whales have vestigial features in common with lower animals. For example, they have vestigial olfactory nerve, protruding hind limbs, pelvic fins and diaphragms. Like humans, during embryological development, whales develop features similar to lower animals and abandon them as development progresses. During their development, there is also evidence that whales have terrestrial ancestors. Some whales even develop hair while in the womb although they do not retain it. In 1985, Goodman et al. demonstrated that whales are more closely related to ungulates than to other animals. (Goodman, 1985; Miyamoto and Goodman, 1986) Some studies have identified genes, enzymes and other proteins that connect whales to extinct animals. (Irwin et al. 991; Irwin and Arnason, 1994; Milinkovitch, 1992; Graur and Higgins, 1994; Gatesy et al, 1996; Shimamura et al. , 1997) We have already noted above that the creation story in the Bible was taken from the text of an ancient culture that predates the Hebrew account. Rather than to openly acknowledge that the Bible’s story of creation is a mythical legend that explains evolution and the appearance of life on ea rth, some religious groups resort to far-fetched, fictitious, generally ridiculous concepts such as ‘creationism’, ‘creation science’ and ‘intelligent design’ to dismiss or explain away the science and replace it with fantasy. Embryology and developmental biology have a concept, ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’, that simplifies and briefly but succinctly expresses the concepts presented in the first chapter of Genesis. This is like explaining a complicated scientific concept, take conception and birth for example, to a little child by using a fairy tale rather than detailed research information. The fairy tale is not accurate, but the general information it communicates is true. With this single phrase, the first chapter of Genesis is summarized and explained. The phrase means that the embryological processes of development, ontogeny, depict and encapsulate the evolutionary history of the species, phylogeny. For example, during development of the human embryo, the fetus briefly has gills and a tail like its phylogenetic ancestors. In other words, during development, the developing embryo goes through some of the same stages that humans went through as the species developed from lower animals to humans. The concept makes perfect sense and explains many aspects of human development. Obviously, we cannot provide a comprehensive review of the evidence support evolution in a few pages, and we certainly cannot provide realistic evidence against it in light of all that exists to support it. While the evidence in support of the evolution of whales is plentiful, much evidence exists for evolution in general, including in humans. As has been reported here, the evidence is not just from scientific research, but also from archeology and history. That evidence shows, among other things, that the biblical story of creation in Genesis predates the Bible by hundreds of years. Despite all the evidence in support of evolution and against the idea of the biblical creation as being anything more than a myth, we can be certain that the argument in support of the biblical creation as being the real story and representing the real facts will not go away. Humans being what we are, we will always be faced with living with the Genesis myth as if it were fact, and coping with those who insist that the earth all the universe was created in six literal days. That concept certainly will never go away no matter what facts exist to disprove it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Culture and Formation of Culture Essay

The word culture can be referred to the behavior of the human beings specifically with the objects, things and commodities around them and these objects are used as an essential part of this behavior. In this sense it is only the ability of the mankind to create a culture. And culture itself will include all the norms and behaviors of human beings like language, customs, beliefs, religions, tool, techniques, arts, rituals, ceremonies and common practice of every day life. There are numerous definitions of culture and every anthropologist has a different view about it. Some has defined culture as â€Å"learned behavior† or â€Å"ideas in mind† or â€Å"a logical construct†, but the most favored definition is that culture is â€Å"the abstraction from behavior† (Culture). Certeau (xi) states that Culture is the combination of every day practices of the societies. But instead of making the unit force an individual he has taken a more economist perspective and regarded them as â€Å"consumers† (Certeau, xi). While John Fiske produced a two economic theory and regards culture as a parallel economy against the financial economy and has named it as â€Å"cultural economy† (Fiske, 538). As every economy has a capital the cultural economy’s capital consists of pleasure and meanings (Fiske, 541). Frederick Engels while speaking in the context of history defines culture as â€Å"traditions, which haunt human minds† (Engels, 10). Speaking conclusively culture is not only behavior neither an action, but it is the combination of abstraction and behavior or a behavior explicating a concept. Formation of Culture: According the theory of evolution, the advancement of the human behavior from natural to learned and freely variable behavior, the particulars of which have the tendency to be transferred to the next generation and has the ability to evolve into a system of things. Thus culture is a man made environment brought into existence by the human ability to symbol. When a culture is established then it has a life of its own. It is a range of things and events in a cause and effect relationship (Culture). Different theorists have argued about the formation of culture in their own specific way and style. According to Bourdieu â€Å"cultural needs are the product of upbringing and education† (Bourdieu, 42). He initially states that the production of cultural goods as well as the description of different ways of appropriating these goods as work of arts as well as providing social conditions, which are considered legitimate (Bourdieu, 42). He further emphasis that all social practices, which are the core of any culture, are traced back to education or social origin (Bourdieu, 42). On the other hand Fiske says that culture is the opposite force developed in response to the producers of consumer goods. He states that culture is the parellel economic system, which runs in response to the financial economic system. According to him it’s capital is meanings and pleasure (Fiske, 538). This is a more economic perspective of rather than the anthropological perspective. Theodor Adorno while discussing the evolution of popular music culture states that the popular music culture and its hold on the masses is because of the urge to distract the individuals from the current realities to the world of fantasy, and popular music has the ability to distract the listener from it (Adorno, 80,81). Thus according to him a culture evolves as a reaction of the current cultural norms. That is the main reason that the popular culture did not evolved before the industrial revolution. Social Relations: Social relations are the behaviors of different social groups related to and in response of each other. Thus speaking about the ruling class, which is also regarded as the elite class or aristocracy is the social group, which has the means of production at its disposal Thus the ruling ideas and concepts are the expressions of dominant material relationships (Marx & Engels, 8). According to Marx and Engels the historically speaking the relationship of the individual and the ruling class are reflected by the dominance of ideas and concepts during the dominance of that ruling class. For instance during the dominion of the aristocracy the concepts of loyalty and honor were dominant, while during the dominion of the bourgeoisie the concepts of equality and freedom were dominant (Marx and Engels, 8). The relation between the ruling class and the lower class has two ways. Either it leads or it dominates. The first relation is with its allies while the second is with its enemies (Gramsci, 12) Thus the social relations between the aristocracy has two conditions. If the aristocracy has friendly terms with the lower class, the lower class will follow accordingly under its leadership. But if the lower class does not consent the way the ruling class leads it will refuse to follow. As a result the ruling class will try to dominate the lower class in order to maintain its status. Marx has regarded the aristocracy as the material forces of production, which sometimes come into conflict with the property relations that is the lower class and results in the social revolution (Marx, 9). Engels says that the economic political and traditional i. e cultural factors are interrelated and they in combination play the determined role in the formation of history. Thus history is the product of the combine efforts of the economical, political and demographical factors. Thus one can very easily find the social relation between the economy, politics and cultural norms. Works Cited Adorno, Theodor W. â€Å"On Popular Music† Studies in Philosophy and Social Sciences. 1941. Bourdieu, Pierre. â€Å"Distinction and The Aristocracy of Culture†. Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgment of Taste. 1984, Routledge, London. Certeau, Michel de. â€Å"The Practice of Every Day Life† 1984, Berkley University California Press. â€Å"Culture. † Encyclop? dia Britannica. 2007. Encyclop? dia Britannica 2006 Ultimate Reference Suite DVD 8 May, 2007. Fiske, John. â€Å"The Popular Economy† Television Culture. 1987, Routledge, London. Gramsci, Antonio. â€Å"Hegomony, Intellectuals and the State† Princeton Notebooks, Lawrence & Wishart, London. Marx, Karl. â€Å"Base & Superstructure† A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. 1976, Foreign Languages Press, Peking. Marx, Karl & Engels, Federick. â€Å"Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas† The German Ideology. 1970, Lawrence & Wishart, London. Marx, Karl & Engels. â€Å"A Letter to Joseph Bloch† Selected Letters. 1977, Foreign Languages Press, Peking.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Duties of directors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Duties of directors - Essay Example Notably, it is the company constitution that offers the board of directors with the adequate power to administer the business of the company (Katz, Lipton & Katz, 2011). In simplest terms, delegation of power means effectual allocation of resources to people with adequate skills and knowledge. It is to be mentioned that delegation is quite significant for the senior management to attain all the required tasks in a timely manner. It is applicable in all industry sectors along with government. Hereby, a delegate is considered to be the person who is responsible to carry out the role, authority as well as duties of, or to act on behalf of, or symbolize others (Tomasic, Bottomley & McQueen, 2002). It is worth mentioning that there are numerous duties that the director is accountable for. The main objective of this paper has been to comprehend the nature and the extent of statutory duties imposed on directors by Corporation Act. The discussion will further try to incorporate a critical an alysis of the nature, application along with effectiveness of the two statutory duties of the directors under the Corporation Act. The two statutory duties are ‘duty of good faith’ along with ‘duty of care and diligence’. The study will also attempt to briefly discuss the duties of directors as well as relevant common laws which tend to control the role of these directors. Background The decisions rendered by the director needs to be examined very carefully in order to comprehend the fact what could have been done so that the company could have obtained greater benefits from that director (Turnbull, 2012). If the director is found to violate his duty, the company possesses the right to sue the director for causing damages. There are numerous general responsibilities of the directors which comprises of various specific duties. For instance, it is quite significant for the directors to exercise carefulness (Turnbull, 2012). This implies that the directors are supposed to utilise their informed judgements in order to administer the company in a proper way being capable of entrusting their judgments on certain measures. Furthermore, the delegation can be considered to be valid if it is done in a proper manner in the best interest of the company (Turnbull, 2012). Under the common law, it is the duty and right of the directors to deliberate. This implies that they are supposed to make good efforts in order to get involved, discuss, consider and thus make use of their judgment while acting on the matters of the company. It has been observed that it is the duty of the director to make use of their power for adequate purposes. If the power is being used for a wrongful reason, it is considered to be invalid. For instance, a director of the company may not be acting with an ethically sound purpose while the new shares tend to be issued. In such circumstances the company intends to restructure itself or to issue gifts in terms of compensation fro m the company’s resources so that the power of the director can be enhanced. Any act of the director which does not have a proper purpose might be considered as invalid, for instance, issuance of the shares to the public in order to defeat a takeover or to retain control of the company (Turnbull, 2012). It is the duty of the directors not to get involved in any kind of conflict of interests. Directors tend to have fiduciary duties which are generally outstanding to their company. This can be regarded as a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Intelligence Requirements - Graded Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Intelligence Requirements - Graded - Essay Example However, the more indicators that link to PIR, the more branches will therefore exist between the PIRs and SIRs. This even will lead to PIR as something that is difficult to answer.3 However, even if there is a certain degree of difficulty in it, the presence of the indicators is an essential point that will lead to a justifiable outcome of providing answers for PIRs. Indicators should be predictive.4 If they are predictive, indicators are guaranteed to be of a high quality. Staffs should therefore evaluate if the chosen indicators are predictive enough which will qualify them to provide the opportunity to provide the remarkable answers for certain PIRs. Thus, prior to using their radars and other intelligence tools, the intelligence soldiers will have to engage into the identification of the appropriate indicators that will lead them to potential answers and as prior to the appropriate moves that they will have to take.5 The answer is evident from the fact that indicators must necessarily be predictive.6 The quality of a good indicator is that it is something measurable, and there is no relevant drawback to it.7 It must be something that is substantial or enough to provide evidences that will lead to the appropriate answer prior to doing the most crucial strategy as the next course of action. In other words, this argument simply illustrates the point that it will be impractical to rely on a substandard indicators, because in the end it will also result to substandard SIRs too. As a result, the PIRs will result a substandard answers. The accuracy and efficiency of the action plan will be compromised, leading to the failure operation and possible earning of substantial cost or damage along the way.8 It is therefore important to maintain a high level of practicality for any chosen indicators, because these are essential evidences to always lead to possible courses of

Creative accounting practices and the unethical auditor Essay

Creative accounting practices and the unethical auditor - Essay Example The occurrence of creative accounting practices threatens society’s trust in the profession, and also means lack of the trust in the published financial data and the profession reports that, as a result, make the expectation gap wider between the profession and consumers and interested persons. The auditor’s mistakes in facing the risk of the creative accounting practices, such as discovering and reporting them, leads to very public prosecution, which reduces credibility even more. The auditor is responsible for the risk of the creative accounting practices of the financial data-discovering and reporting. It will be argued that the response to creative accounting cannot just come through increasing regulation and rules for the profession. That the obstacles and the challenges that led to the failure of the profession in reducing the risk of creative accounting practices demands increase in effectiveness of the professional individual. A greater part of the response should be through seeking ways to change the individual professional’s ethical and moral approach to auditing, before there can be any effective regulation. This way the credibility of accounting information can be increased and the expectations and credibility gap narrowed and trust in the profession can be strengthened. Unethical accounting or auditing can lead to destructive results for a Company. A horrible example of Enron’s fraud was a serious impact for employees of the company and shareholders. There were huge losses of billions of dollars and thousands of jobs were lost. Therefore, the US government made numerous attempts to prevent the occurrence of such cases. Corporate America should have changed something in their policies, otherwise failures are unavoidable. In the field of auditing it was relevant to avoid intentional preparation of the wrong financial documents. The companies very often do not pay a proper attention to ethical behaviour of their employees. Concerning

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Carbon Emissions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Carbon Emissions - Essay Example It has plans of using the latest science to be able to reduce the percentages of the gas that is daily being emitted. By the year 2030, it hopes that it would have been able to reduce the percentage by 60%. (Grubb, 1989) However, the consumers' lifestyle in the U.K. has also contributed to the increase of carbon emissions. Being the director of communications for carbon trust, I would want to see that these levels go down and that the problems caused by carbon emissions are managed. The problems associated with carbon emissions are many. This is why I want to look for a Public Relations consultancy firm that will be able to educate U.K. citizens about the dangers of emitting a lot of carbon in the atmosphere. Carbon emission is the major cause of global warming. This results due to greenhouse effect and it is a detrimental and the worst thing that can ever occur. The accumulation of carbon in the atmosphere causes temperatures to rise by approximately 3.6 F. Consumers' lifestyles in the U.K. have really played a major role in the increase of carbon that is emitted daily to the atmosphere. There are some things that they need to be warned about if the level is to go down. 40% of the carbon is produced by vehicles. The citizens have not been using environment friendly forms of transport. To start with, vehicles are owned by almost everybody. Journeys by public vehicles would reduce 90% of the emissions that is caused when everyone uses their personal vehicles. (Fraser, 1994). Then, the exhaust emissions of the vehicles are not made in such a way that it can limit the amount of exhaust fumes released. The more the exhaust fumes being released, the more the level of the emission of carbon dioxide to the air. The fuels they use produce a lot of carbon. It has been noted that the use of petrol as fuel contributes to large amounts of carbon emission. If alternative fuels are sought and the citizens encouraged using these, then there would be u p to 75% reduction in the amount of carbon that would be emitted to the atmosphere. Fuels such as ethanol have been proven to produce low levels of emissions. Therefore, it would be prudent enough for the citizens to adopt this type of fuel. The government wants to come up with a program that will enable filling stations to be able to lease out electric car batteries to car owners. Citizens of the U.K also use the heating system, which has been known to emit some levels of carbon. (Rose, A. et al, 1998). This fact has been discussed in meetings organised by the government. It was decided that the heating system was mainly used because of the poor standards of the houses that the people lived in. Therefore, the government set up a policy that required all landlords to build houses up to standards that do not require any heating system. This was in the faith that it will help towards reducing the levels of carbon emission. The use of garden floodlights and incandescent light bulbs have been on the increase in the U.K. These are also responsible for the carbon emission. These causes of carbon emission are not known by most of the people in the U.K. A lot of people contribute to the levels of carbon emission without knowing. Therefore, this calls for an introduction of some channels through which the relevant information can reach them. This is why I thought of consulting a Public Relations

Friday, July 26, 2019

How to Improve Creativity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

How to Improve Creativity - Case Study Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that one of the ways in which one can improve their self-control in a particular field would be to learn how to handle stress without losing control. An individual can stop and take a few breaths every time that they feel they are about to lose control or too stressed. This will ensure that we manage always to maintain calm in all situations. The researcher would recommend that an individual gets enough to sleep every day to ensure that you do not overwork the brain. Most scientific research carried out over the years have proved that people who get enough sleep are often more productive and happier. Last, the author would recommend self-affirmation now and then and try to keep negative thoughts. Constantly encouraging oneself will most likely help in ensuring that one keeps trying no matter how many times they may fail until they finally get it right. Positive people are most likely to accomplish more as compared to pessimists.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Voting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Voting - Essay Example Therefore, the other option is indirect democracy. In indirect democracy, people vote to choose representatives, and the representatives then take decisions to govern the country. Similarly, the United States of America is an indirect democratic country. In the country, to elect a president people cast their votes. Nonetheless, there are some issues regarding the voter turnout. A low turnout rate has become a dilemma for several past decades. Thus, the claim to become a role model for the rest of the world has become almost shattered. It is evident that the turnout was policy-based, which affected the election of 1988. Thus, in an election we may discern a link between the policy preferences of individuals and their voting ratio. Definition of voter turnout First, we will have to define a voter turnout. Voter turnout refers to the overall number of people who cast their vote in any election. The turnout, generally, exhibits with percentage; however, there are other methods to ascerta in the turnout rate of voters. The most general way to evaluate turnout of voters is counting the overall number of votes. This method is known as Total Vote. Obviously, this is the most direct way to count the vote and measure the turnout. However, this method has some setbacks; for example, it counts all votes whether valid or invalid (Pintor et al., 2002). In addition, the method is unable to supplement comparison aspects. The residency requirement for new citizens after that they would be able to cast a vote is another reason for a lower turnout. In 2003, the issue of new residents arose in 44 states. However, these requirements of residency have been set to 30 days before the federal election, yet there are still chances that several eligible voters would not be able to cast their votes (Patterson, 2009). The Election of 1988 in United States In the 1988 presidential election, the voter turnout was 50.1%. The turnout was lower than the standards of American presidential electio n. They were several reasons for the lower turnout, which will be discussed latter on; however, the present question is who suffered due to the low turnout, George Bush (Republican) or Michael Dukakis (Democrat). The statistical calculations exhibit Dukakis was going to win the election of 1988 if the individuals took part fully in the elections. Most of the individuals who remained unmoved during the elections were the supporters of Democrats. Briefly, one can observe the Republican had the advantage of low turnout of votes; thus, it can be concluded that the election of 1988 – specifically, its result – was not the real picture of the preferences of people. In this regard, in the current paper Radcliff’s aggregate study on the presidential elections from 1928 to 1980 has been examined to evaluate the American National Election of 1988. It has been identified in the current study that the minimum turnout shows harmful results and suggests encouraging voters to take part in voting. Citizens should understand that their votes are a representative of their choice. The lower turnout of the voters has become a significant debatable issue in American society. Moreover, researchers and scholars are being pressurized to find out the real reason of individual voter absentees. In addition, a significant relation is found between Democratic vote division and turnout (DeNardo, 1980). Furthermore, in presidential elec

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Imperial China's Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Imperial China's Development - Essay Example This study stresses that  the History of the Chinese people’s development does not just involve the rise and fall of dynasties, but is also greatly endowed by the presence of religion which played a primary role in the society. Religion played a key role in influencing their perception of the world, and of the people around them. These religions came into existence through their founders, who subscribed to a certain set of beliefs. The three most dominant religions in China include the Confucius wisdom, Budhism and the Taoist perception. Confucius, also known as Qong Kiu was the most influential of the Chinese history. His main idea was to create a moral upright behavior. His concern was for every government to build a just society. He believed in the respect for hierarchy, in which everyone should act according to his place in the hierarchy.  This paper highlights that the Taoism religion also influenced and still influences the Chinese religions. This perception is influ enced by the belief that there is a source of and force behind everything that exists.   The three attributes; patience, humility and compassion are emphasized on. This religion greatly influenced the nature of interactions between people in China, and has been widely embraced by the Chinese.  The Buddhism religion is closely linked to Confucius wisdom. They complement each other, and one cannot exist without the other. Buddhism embraces the role of the natural environment in bringing harmony in people.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The English Language, Past, Present and Future Essay

The English Language, Past, Present and Future - Essay Example The process of literacy is actually influenced by both traditional and functional perspectives which will be contemplated in this essay. The traditional perspectives differ from the functional perspectives in respect that while the former assists the encounter of literacy with the printed texts in reading and writing in the schools and keeps the journey of literacy limited to the school domain and educational context of schooling, the latter encompasses a different view which grooms literacy beyond the school domain to make it serve bigger purposes in life. Both perspectives play a phenomenal role in transforming one into a literate person. It is also worth mentioning that a variety of ways is used in different communities to include and socialize children into literacy and those ways may stand in contrast with each other. So the issue of how different language practices need to be sufficiently tailored in respect to different kinds of learners as a way of speeding up the process of their socialization into literacy will also be explored in this essay. Literacy is a multidimensional activity based on a wide range of perspectives. According to one definition, it is considered a product of a wide variety of component skills all of which are essential to master high-level performance. â€Å"Phonological awareness, letter knowledge, automaticity in reading letter sequences, and lexical access could be identified key component reading skills† (Snow 2004, p. 3). The definitions for literacy differ enormously. Holistic thinkers see the act of reading as a solitary and integrated capacity and stress that attention should be paid to solitary components in reading instruction as meaning-making forms the bedrock of good reading skills. They in contrast to componential view do not consider literacy to be the product of an array of component skills which are mentioned earlier. While some consider literacy to be a solitary activity, others claim that it should essentially be viewed as an â€Å"interactive, collaborative activity embedded in social purposes, even when the act of reading itself is solitary† (Snow 2004, p. 3). As defined by the solitary viewers, reading and writing do not form collaborative activities but should be acknowledged primarily as â€Å"inside-the-head psycholinguistic processes† (Snow 2004, p. 3). The traditional perspective remains central to literacy while living in the present global environment heavily influenced by technology has developed new literacy needs. The autonomous model of literacy is one of the main models based on the traditional perspective according to which literacy does not have its roots embedded in the social context and exists â€Å"independently of specific contexts of social practice and producing effects independently of contextual social factors† (Lankshear 1999). So, the literacy practices in accordance with the traditional perspective are viewed independent of dynamic trend in everyday practical life. In contrast to this, the functional pers pective based ideological model rejects the notion that societal contexts do not play any role in the process of making a person literate. Literacy in many forms keeps evolving and is embedded in multiple contexts including â€Å"particular relations and structures of power, values, beliefs, goals and purposes, interests, economic and political conditions, and so on† (Lankshear 1999). It is important to acknowledge that the practice of literacy originates not from the literacy itself as implied by the traditional perspective but from the combined action of literary components and multiple other social factors. The development of literacy does not remain restricted to the schools alone rather it keeps developing in the social life and

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Impact Of Technology On Customers Essay Example for Free

The Impact Of Technology On Customers Essay Customer is the most important component of any business. The globally popular slogan customer is king or customer is god indicates the importance of customers to businesses. Hence, if the organizations are hugely customer centric in their approach, they are rightly so. Customer centricity refers to the orientation of a company to the needs and behaviors of its customers. Any pivotal functional change being considered to be incorporated by the decision makers of an organization is always first studied for its impact on the current and expected customers of the company’s products. One of the most common form of change that companies usually bring in their organization is the up-gradation of the existing technology used by the company. Post Industrialization era , technology has become one of the most important feature of an organization. It is one of the hot topics among the business world. More and more business enterprises , large or small, are trying to incorporate the latest available technology into their operations. This notion is substantiated by the fact that the popular business firms now have a separate technology sections, and information systems departments as a very critical component of the organization. The importance of the whole information technology field is that it is designed to make people and organizations more faster, knowledgeable, efficient, and profitable. A key advantage of the information systems is to be able to simplify organizational structures. In fact firms with well-developed management information systems lend themselves to a move towards flat structures. Irrespective of the complexity of the system or the size of the organization, the incorporation of new technology or information systems will accompany change by and large in the entire organization. The importance of information technology and its impact on the organization is emphasized by Nadler, who states perhaps the largest single influence on organizational architecture and design has been the evolution of information technology. [Gerstein, p. 5]. The mode of implementing the new technology can be either indigenous or it can brought at a suitable price from another company selling the technology. In the former case need for co-ordination is only one sided (within the organization) but in the later type a very well coordinated relationship has to be maintained with the enterprise selling the technology as well as within the organization so that the training and the transition process is smooth. The implementation of information systems and technology in general can be a boon to an organization by being part of a transformation that results in fundamental improvement. Although in the beginning their may be some repulsion towards acceptance of the new technological change but with proper managerial support and education they can be certainly overcome. Nonetheless, the efficiency gained from technology and associated information systems will generally serve as the precursor to eventual acceptance of the change. The benefits of improved coordination and increased supervision even replace the need for tall, hierarchical organizations. In fact firms with well-developed management information systems lend themselves to a move towards flat structures. One author warns that de-layering is not right for every organization and should not be done indiscriminately. (Nelson, p. 56) The impact of new technology and information systems does not limit itself only to the organization its also hugely influences firms relationship with suppliers or customers. As the new technologies and information systems are adopted by the firms, the technology level of the firm is emerging as an important variable of inter-organizational relationships. The influence of technology levels on the customer-supplier interactions is explicit. Drawing on the marketing and social exchange literature, a set of research propositions in terms of major characteristics of interaction processes with the customers is part of the process. The technology implementation process must view the customer as both the purchaser and user of the new technology. With this perspective, demand evolves not just through compositional changes but also through how customers evaluate and use a technology. These components of demand progression emphasizes how competition shifts in an industry and the effects of disruptive technological changes. On systematic analysis of the demand evolution and its influence on industry competition with respective to the technology it can be observed that customers tend to study the market thoroughly before making a choice. Demand evolution in terms of customers is switching from valuing different product features to price as the products satisfy their functional thresholds (or preferences). Adner and Levinthal 2001] A process in which customer understanding and technological development co-evolve as customers and the technology move from an uncertain, generalized understanding of the technology to a more determinate and specified interpretation [Clark (1985]. The customer, evolves in ways that are interrelated to firms innovating a new technology. The source of competitive advantage lies in the interplay between firms adapting and the environment selecting. Creative and strategic management of how customers understand and use a technology should be an important competitive factor in the industries. Customers can change how they value a technology through learning new uses, then firms have an incentive to re-engage in product innovation after technical standardization. Customers may interpret the technology differently or may adapt it to their local conditions and requirements, generating variety in how users actually deploy products. Moreover, as customers use new products, they may learn new ways of using the technology, which affects their future purchasing and deployment decisions. In order to educate the customer about the new technology being used and its after effects it is very important that the customers are correctly informed and educated about it by the company and its public relationship department. A triangular relationship exists between communication channels, companies, the customer. The choice of communication technology is the key to building a successful brand relationship with any given existing or prospective consumer. This decision of promoting the technology however also needs intervention of the marketing department in order to creatively bring the brand to market. This allows the sale of the technology along with the product it is associated with. Once of the significant trends in consumer marketing is the advent of multi-channel marketing of products and services. This is exactly where the communication technology comes into picture. Given this the new technology, channels of communications are evolving at a speed that no one can keep up with. Organizations are using direct channels such as the Internet, catalogue channels and other channels such as brick-and-mortar environments, either to seamlessly integrate their offerings across all channels or to use these different channels to segment consumers and implement differential marketing strategies. Revolutionary innovation of the technology like e-mail, e-commerce, Internet and websites, cell phones and laptop have opened up a new world of marketing communication. A fundamental change has occurred and marketers need to rethink their promotional strategies. Today the customer has the opportunity make a suitable choice, by accessing the website or sending an e-mail. All relevant information must be made accessible and user friendly so the customers are easily able to acquire what they seek. Many market research companies are now-a-days using the wireless devices and interactive voting systems to obtain an instant feedback from their customers. These wireless devices are also used for dynamic promotion and pricing – for example electronic coupons as consumers shop, quantity discounts, auction pricing for certain items or bidding against other shoppers are common strategies of obtaining high end immediate response of their product. Interactive voting is one of the most successful revenue generating Interactive TV applications. Voting can be used to encourage the first time users to interact with programs and advertising, thus helping viewers become familiar with Interactive TV. Voting changes the dynamics of the viewer’s experience from a passive, one-way communication to a two-way exchange that draws in the audience by allowing viewers to interact with and influence the program. Thus, it has been proven that the use of advanced technologies to complement the more traditional channels can lead to much more efficient and effective market communication techniques at significantly reduced cost. The technological development and its incorporation first in the organization and then finally impacting the customers of the business has been explained below with two actual examples. The foundation for the purpose of this research has been created by a prospective study to explore the impact of application of e-commerce on the Iranian insurance industry. In order to fulfill the purpose of this study, a frame of reference has been emerged based on a vast literature review. With the focus at quantitative research as a general approach and descriptive research as the type of research in this study, a structured questionnaire was used as the data collection instrument. To accomplish this, a survey of 258 people (in almost all active insurance companies in Iran) has been carried out. The respondents from almost every department within the targeted insurance companies were randomly chosen. We have focused on the perception of insurers regarding the subject of study, and thus, the perception of other stakeholder such as insurance agents/brokers and even their customers have been suggested for future research, due to limitation and demarcation of this research. This dissertation has been organized in the seven chapters. An introduction this study, problem statements and research questions were presented in chapter one. The second chapter was devoted to literature review. The emerged frame of reference was provided in the third chapter and our research methodology was discussed in the fourth chapter. Data presentation and analysis were done in accordance with the research questions and the frame of reference in chapter five and six, respectively. Finally, in the last chapter findings and conclusions were drawn by answering the research questions. With respect to the findings, we conclude that the Iranian insurance companies were positively looked at e-commerce and its application in their companies. Their attitude and views toward e-commerce was positive so that they found that e-commerce would be an opportunity rather than a challenge or even a threat for insurance industry. They highly believed that e-commerce would affect on insurance companies and, thus, their companies should embrace e-commerce. Lack of skilled staffs in e-commerce application and scarcity of IT experts were the most infrastructure requirements which they found that the Iranian insures were suffering from. Whereas they were well equipped with hardware and networking as well as general and professional insurance software required in e-commerce applications. Lagging of other supportive sectors (e. g. , e-Banking and Telecommunications), lack of appropriate legislation and regulation (e. g. copy right, digital signature), low Internet usage and fewer users, traditionally attitudes and views over the companies and scarcity of skilled staffs were the five top major obstacles which would hinder the Iranian insurers to embrace e-commerce. E-commerce is potentially applicable to marketing and sales as well as RD with respect to insurance value chain. On the other hand, as far as insurance products concern, auto (motor) insurance, marine and aviation, life insurance and fire insurance were highly perceived to suitabl e to e-commerce (sale online). Finally, the Iranian insurance companies were chiefly believed that in the case of e-commerce application they would get these top five benefits: brand and image promotion (as a pioneer and modern company), extended corporation with partners (specially in the reinsurance cases), lower invest for establishing the sales and after sales services network, cost reduction in value chain management (e. . product/service development) and decentralization and no restrictions imposed by national borders [Aarabi and Bromideh, 2006] Information technology was also a core element of the turnaround of Union Pacific Railroad. The overall goal was to eliminate layers of unnecessary middle management, increase their efficiency, and improve customer service radically. Accomplishing this goal would not have been possible without the technology implemented in their revised, centralized operations. All customer service functions were consolidated into one National Customer Service Center in St Louis, where customers could b e given up to the minute information on their shipments and UPs schedules. This in turn, is made possible by the worlds largest computer controlled dispatching facility located in Omaha, Nebraska. In this facility, a 100 yard long screen displays all of the railroads trains and 10,000 miles of track and constantly monitors the movements of each by means of electronic sensors on the train cars [Kupfer, p. 142] Their success at implementing this technology along with the other accompanying changes, both formal and informal, enabled UP to make a dramatic turnaround. From this discussion and the examples given, it is apparent that technology is a critical element of organizational transformation and customer decisions..

Operations Management and Productivity Essay Example for Free

Operations Management and Productivity Essay Service and product design decision is one of the very important issues of operations management. Indeed this decision determines the health and fate of any organization (Krajewski Ritzman, 1998). A company that designs products and services that are of superior quality and that click with the intended market, definately succeeds. Hard Rock Cafe’s operations management has been successful in designing products and services in entertainment hospitality sector. This sector is one of the most competitive sectors, but they have been able to design and offer quality products and superior services in cafes, hotels, casinos and lately in music venues, Rock museum and Rock concerts (Evans, 1996). To respond to changing customer needs and expectations, they have continuously changed their menus and the services they offer. Hard Rock’s success comes as a result of continuous monitoring of quality of their products and services (Saheli, 2007). Their Quality Management Department has devised techniques to continuously monitor quality so as to improve quality of products and services and also make timely corrective measures and hence reduce quality costs. In the cafe, regular surveys are done to evaluate quality of food and services, where a scale is devised to measure scores (Ibid, 2007). To ensure quality products and services, production processes and capacity have been enhanced by using state-of-the-art equipment in catering, entertainment services in casinos, hotels and music venues. Technology is also embraced to increase production capacity in cafes and hotels (Krajewski Ritzman, 1998). Hard Rock started its operations in London. However, in 1988 it moved its headquarters to Orlando, Florida as it targeted the booming US market (Evans, 1996). It has later spread its cafes and hotels to more than 40 locations in US. The decision of spreading its wings to many states is to tap into unsaturated markets as well as diversify operation risks (Ibid, 1996). Due to increasing customers and hence operations, Hard Rock has expanded their cafe facilities to handle their clients. For example at Orlando Universal Studios, their cafe serves over 3,000 meals a day with about 400 employees and the number is expected to grow especially during high tourist seasons (Saheli, 2007). To ensure high labor productivity, Hard Rock Cafe has provided their workers with excellent working conditions. This is achieved through good industrial relation management and employee-management relations. Human Resource Management has ensured that the company has the best of employees who are competent, skilled and fit for their positions, hence Hard Rock expects the best out of their labor force (Krajewski Ritzman, 1998). Productiveness is the main task of the supply chain management in Hard Rock. The department has developed supply chain strategies aimed at reducing procurement costs and value adding the process. Hard Rock has entered into strategic partnership with suppliers to improve efficiency and effectiveness of this activity (Evans, 1996). To effectively manage inventory, the company has inventory management system that guides the managers on when to order inventory and how much (Saheli, 2007). To increase efficiency and reduce costs, they have embraced Just-In-Time philosophy where the materials required are procured in time and used in time (Saheli, 2007). During low season, Orlando Cafe staff is scheduled down to 15-minutes intervals to meet seasonal and daily demand changes in tourist environment. Annual Routine maintenance is exercised in all their facilities. Maintenance department is charged with responsibilities of ensuring that Hard Rock Cafes, hotels, casinos, music venues and rock museum are renovated and machines maintained at good conditions (Krajewski Ritzman, 1998). The productivity of the kitchen staff and wait staff can be measured by dividing the number of meals they prepare and serve by the number of labor hours they input (Saheli, 2007). During low seasons wait staff may serve fewer meals as demand gets low and also kitchen staff prepares fewer meals. Nevertheless, they will also use less labour hours as they are scheduled and down-sized to respond to low operations (Evans, 1996).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategic Thinking In Logic Versus Creativity Commerce Essay

Strategic Thinking In Logic Versus Creativity Commerce Essay It is mutually agreed that the converses of intuition and analysis generate tension during the strategic thinking process. Researchers and contributors to strategic management making the case for logic argue that for strategy to be effective, the strategic thinking process must involve extensive formal analyses and objective collection and processing of data both from within and without the corporation (Hill and Jones, 2007; De Wit and Meyer, 2010). Rational reasoning enables managers gain an accurate perspective on the different options available before identifying the strategic option that best serves the organisations cause: achieving its goals and objectives. Logical analysis encompasses assessing internal and external risks, strengths and weaknesses, market need and so on; so that strategy can be thought out to fit each of the above factors. In contrast to logical thinking, creative thinking involves taking a leap of imagination (De Wit and Mayor, 2010, p. 60) without any logically defined reason for taking such a leap. Creative thinking is a divergence from the rules governing rational argumentation towards problem-solving. Strategic thinking from this perspective is therefore not governed by previous arguments or analyses, but is the generation of action plans using intuition (Hill and Jones, 2007). The strategy thinker will use intuitive judgement to derive a vision for the future. Proponents of this approach argue that it is the best way to define problems and generate innovative solutions since rationality has the potential to frustrate the process of generating novel insight, which, they say, should be the objective of strategic thinking (De Wit and Meyer, 2010). See (appendix A) Apple Inc. case study. Strategic Formation: Is strategy deliberate or emergent? From the dichotomy of rational versus creative thinking, the paradox of strategy deliberateness versus emergency arises. The deliberate doctrine opines that strategy creation ought to follow a coherent series of steps, a coordination of efforts, strategic resource allocation and utilisation and a prior, systematic programming of all processes and activities in the organisation (De Wit and Meyer, 2010). Strategy is a deliberate, systematic attempt to achieve fit between an organizations internal and external strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities (Sadler and Craig, 2003). The paradox of deliberateness and emergence comes courtesy of the cognitive school of thought. Managers who prefer logic in strategic thinking certainly believe that strategy formation is a deliberate process; whereas those who prefer intuition would go for the opinion that strategy formation is an emergent process. Managers who believe in emergence understand the process of strategy formation as anchored in an organisations capacity and willingness to stay open to new opportunities or trends, maintaining flexibility to changes in the internal and external environment being able to cognitively discern emerging ideas and concepts and the socio-political and cultural factors; and acting in response (Clegg et al., 2005; De Wit and Meyer, 2010). Strategy thus becomes a reactive process. The deliberate school of thought maintains that strategy has to be crafted; that responding to internal and external factors cannot solely be used to provide an organisation with a roadmap for achieving i ts objectives and realising its vision. See (appendix B) United Parcel Services (UPS) case study. Strategy Renewal: Is change Discontinuous or Evolutionary? Organisational change is an integral element of the strategy process. Strategy aims to outline an organisations plan for achieving its objectives. Sometimes, there are abrupt changes in the internal and external environment, shifts in production or project implementation life-cycles or changes in organisation dynamics (De Wit and Meyer, 2010). With such eventualities, the organisation has to renew its strategy. The paradox of revolution (discontinuous change) and evolution (continuous change) is occasioned by the two approaches to strategic renewal. Continuous change advocates for an evolutionary approach in increasing productivity and operational efficiency (Watson, 2000). Continuous change is feasible with emergent strategy formation since change motivators are everyday observed changes or trends in the internal and external environment. On the contrary, discontinuous (revolutionary) change involves performing a radical surgery to an organisations strategy. Unlike evolutionary strategic change, discontinuous change does not involve continual improvement of an organisations corporate strategy: strategic renewal is achieved by making distinct transformations from one strategic approach to another (De Wit and Meyer, 2010). Whether strategic renewal is achieved through revolutionary or evolutionary change is dependent on specific factors. In project management for example, revolutionary change is a suitable approach since typically, projects have predefined implementation timelines and budgets (Whittington, 2000). Continuous change becomes appropriate when the organisation undergoing change wants to maintain or improve its operational efficiency and competitive advantage in the long run. However, when organisations continuously evolve their strategies to maintain a competitive advantage, increase productivity and operational efficiency, counter the effects of changes in the external and external environment and meet changing customer or client requirements, revolutionary change is still unavoidable (De Wit and Meyer, 2010). Every once in a while, an organisation has to initiate revolutionary changes, processes and projects that wholly transform their strategic outlook and business processes. See (Append ix C) Ferrari case study. Conclusion From the analysis done in this report, it is evident that strategy dichotomies or the paradoxes arising from strategic thinking, strategy formation and strategy renewal are closely interrelated. They arise due to the diversity in the contexts with which strategy is interpreted and understood. Effective corporate strategising, it appears, must be conducted by applying opposing perspectives alongside each other. For example, some specific case may call for a combination of logical and creative thinking in strategy formation whereas others may call for logic only (Clegg et al., 2005). Effective managers should be able to identify which approach will be most effective for each specific case.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Animal Influences in Paleolithic, Egyptian and Greek Art Essay

Animal Influences in Paleolithic, Egyptian and Greek Art There are numerous ways in which animals have resonated within the human mind. Throughout history there have been representations ranging from the realistic, to myths, legends, symbols, and even horrific murderous beasts; at the same time providing fascinating perspectives of our own humanity. Various forms of art have conveyed ideas and concepts of animal’s intelligence, as well as behavior, from generation to generation. Animal art is used as a tool to make the connection between different cultures at different time periods and it relates historical and symbolic meanings. In most cultures animals have been linked with the supernatural forces which were believed to control the natural world and the destiny of humans. They were often revered as the agents. or associates, of gods, and goddesses, and were even the focus of worship as deities. Following the tracks of historical animal art, through the human imagination introduces a trail of creativity and unsurpassed beauty. Paleolithic art: Cave paintings are the earliest known example of human art dating 40,000 to 8,000 BCE. The paintings mainly feature various animals running, sleeping, and eating. Some also contain a few humans, geometrical shapes, and even hand prints. The artist used permanent features like ceilings, floors, and walls of rock shelters and caves as their canvas. Pigments of black, yellow, red, and brown were utilized to display the observations of animals. The painters gathered a great deal of information about finding food, and which foods were safe to eat or to hunt, by closely observing animals. The valuable information was passed to others through the detailes in the... ... Avery, Catherine B. The New Century Classical Handbook. New York, 1962 Beckett, Sister Wendy. The Story of Painting. New York, 1994 Boardman, John, Greek Art. London, 1964 Durant, Will. Our Oriental Heritage. New York, 1935 Fleming, William. Arts & Ideas. New York Gombrich, E. H. The Story of Art. London, 1967 Hall, James. Dictionary of Subjects & Symbolism in Art. New York, 1974 Kirk, G. S. The Nature of Greek Myths. New York, 1975 Janson, H. W. History of Art. New York, 1969 Leroi-Gourhan, Andre. Treasures of Prehistoric Art. New York MacClintock, Dorcas. Animals Observed. New York, 1993 Metropolitan Museum of Art. Treasures of Tutankhamun. New York, 1976 Richter, Gisela M. A. A Handbook of Greek Art. New York, 1987 Scranton, Robert L. Aesthetic Aspects of Ancient Art. Chicago, 1964 Stockstad, Marilyn. Art History. New York, 1995

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free College Essays - Setting in Their Eyes Were Watching God :: free essay writer

Importance of Setting in Their Eyes Were Watching God In Zora Neale Hurston’s romantic novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, two settings are contrasted to reinforce the author’s theme of a search for true love. The setting of Eatonville, Florida, where main character Janie experiences life as the mayor’s wife, is contrasted with the Florida Everglades, where Janie lives with Tea Cake in a much more relaxed atmosphere. Hurston describes Eatonville not in a negative way, but more as a place that is not beneficial to an independent woman like Janie. Janie Starks, the wife of the mayor, is sentenced to spend her days as a worker in the town store, hair tied up, and silent. She must deal with money and figures without being able to enjoy the â€Å"lying sessions† on the porch, or attending such impressive town events like the â€Å"muleogy.† To the reader, Eatonville represents all that is repressive in life. Janie’s nature is restricted not by the town itself, but by her status in the town. Contrasted with Eatonville is the Everglades or the â€Å"muck.† The muck is where Janie can be free. Her hair is allowed to hang down, and she can dance, sing, talk, and socialize with everyone from the Indians to the landowners. The muck is where Janie lives with Tea Cake, her true love, her "bee." The muck symbolizes freedom and a relief from oppression that was experienced by Janie. The contrast of these two places reinforces the theme of a search for love and fulfillment. To see what an ideal situation for an independent woman like would be, Hurston must first show the reader what Janie cannot deal with. Hurston has her character Janie go on a quest, one that was begun the day she was forced to marry Logan Killucks. The contrast in the setting is similar to one between good and evil. Janie’s life with Joe fulfilled a need -- she had no financial worries and was more than set for life. She had a beautiful white home, a neat lawn and garden, a successful husband, and lots of cash. Everything was clean, almost too clean. A sense of restraint is present in this setting, and this relates to the work as a whole due to the fact that this is the epitome of unhappiness for Janie. The muck, however, is filthy. The rich soil covers everything in sight, even the bare skin of its inhabitants.

Geography of Barbados :: Essays Papers

GEOGRAPHY OF BARBADOS Barbados is the most windward, or eastern of all the Caribbean islands. It’s the only island of the Caribbean that lies before the sixty-degree lateral line. Pedro a Campus, who arrived there in 1536, first discovered it. Pedro a Campus was sailing for Portugal at the time of his discovery. Upon his arrival he concluded that the island was uninhabited. The island remained this way until it was settled by the English in the later Seventeenth Century. The shape of the island, is somewhat of an irregular triangle. The circumference Of the island is approximately fifty-five miles around, with a length of twenty-one miles and a width of thirteen miles. Its size is approximately two and a half times the size of Washington D. C. Coral Reefs line almost the entire coast of the island, and at some points, are up to three miles seaward. This creates problems with navigating to and from the island. The northeastern portion of the island contains heights of 1000 feet, while the southeastern part has sandy beaches which are protected by the coral reefs. The highest elevation is Mount Hillaby, which is 1147 feet above sea level at the center portion of the country. The rest of the island is relatively flat, but elevates as it rises to the Central Highlands. Scotland River is the principal river which runs through the island. Other rivers include Joe’s River and the Indian River, along with a handful of natural springs, mainly Haggat’s. The island has a tropical climate and it rarely falls below seventy degrees Fahrenheit. The months of June to October are generally considered the â€Å"rainy† season. The island only occasionally suffers from the wrath of hurricanes. Another natural disaster that the people of the island encounter is periodic landslides.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Just-in- Time in Kalamazoo Essay

A firm specializing in motor homes located in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Discusses changes in inventory and other cost since the recent expansion of its market from the local Midwest to a national one. The companies also have to deal with another major problem because it only manufactures a few of it components while the others are purchased form outside vendors. In an attempt to reduce component part expenses, the president of the company considers implementing the Just-in-time system in his firm. The just in time is a system developed by Toyota designed to control quality develop supplier and distributors’ relationship and minimize inventory. 1.What is the total annual cost of maintaining the components inventory under the present system? Under the present system the total cost to maintain the component per year is $1,292824.00 2.What would be the total annual cost of maintaining the components under the JIT system (Assuming no safety stocks)? The annual cost of maintaining the components under the JIT system would be 3. Should Ballenger take into account any other cost or benefits from JIT system? if so what are they? With the JIT system Ballenger would be less concern about maintaining a large inventory and they would less likely to experience shrinkage. The just-in-time system will also ensure that parts are available to manufacture products and will better serve customers more effectively and efficiently. 4. If the JIT system is adopted are there safety sticks of any item that should be maintained? If so which ones and how much If JIT system is adopted DVD players should be placed under capacity safety because they seem to be quite expensive. 5.If JIT system is adopted, what changes if any should occur in the relationships between Ballenger’s firm and his suppliers of components? Discuss They would need to be more alert keen and discipline in terms of delivery therefore the firm and the supplier would have to maintain good communication skills to avoid any defects. 6. Assume that Ballenger has switched to the JIT system and that he receives a surprise phone call from a competitor who is going out of business. The competitor wants to sell Ballenger 7,000 dome lights of the type listed in Exhibit 2-A. Should Ballenger buy them? If so, at what price? I don’t think that Ballenger should purchase these lights because according to the JIT system one of its aim is to instill discipline and this therefore will ruin such vision not only that but Ballenger would also have to consider storage for these light bulbs. 7. Carrying cost are 20 percent. Is there a level of carrying cost at which both Ballenger’s present system and a JIT system have similar cost what is that? There won’t be a level when the two systems have the same cost but if so it would be at a extremely high rate possible exceeding 100 percent.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Julius Caesar Seminar Questions

Julius Caesar Seminar Questions 1. When Caesar introduces that Cassius thinks too much, I agree. Cassius tends to look into the details and over think simple situations. He hold outs precise meticulous intimately(predicate) how the assemblage of the conspirators is organized. Also, while Cassius is the one and only(a) who origin on the wholey comes up with the idea of the conspiracy and that he emergencys Brutus to be in charge, he thinks by dint of the plan, tho does non want to take province. Cassius on the button about argues with himself, c every last(predicate) suitable to too some(prenominal) thoughts running done his mind. He thinks about so vile a amour as Caesar But, O grief, where hast thou lead me?I perhaps speak this in front a willing bondman. Then I know my answer must be made. But I am arm and dangers to me in different, (1. 3. 11-115), proving that his thoughts be all over the place. 2. Brutus does not want the conspirators to swear an lad of committal because he feels that it is bad to think that or our cause or our performance did call for an oath when all drop of pedigree that every papist bears, and nobly bears is guilty, (2. 1. 136-139). Brutus obviously feels that if their intentions and motivations to carrying out the assassination of Caesar, they do not need an oath.An oath causes people to tucker out lazy because they begin to lean on the idea that, no matter what happens. 3. Caesars repartee to Calphurnias fears adds credence to Brutus and Cassius fears about Caesar because he does not heed warnings. This response capacity add to the pattern Caesar might follow when new(prenominal) senators bring up new ideas. This crumb be very serious for others that want to set out middling of a say when it comes to their opinion on a serious matter. Calpurnia notes that his wisdom is consumed in confidence, (2. 2. 49), demonstrate that Caesar has the idea that what he thinks is what is to happen, without whats oever other opinion. 4.The significance of Caesars conglutination star speech at the Capitol is that Caesar establishes his ideals most his role in power. Caesar frames his arrogance and bullet-headed nature by stating there is no fellow in the firmament, (3. 1. 62). In his eyes, he walks on water to all of those that are his supporters and followers. Caesar is overly confident, providing reason to the motivations of the conspirators in their pursuit to assassinate Caesar. 5. The third plebeians cry of Let him be Caesar, (3. 2. 52) is humorous because, while the people do not know of the truth being the conspiracy, the polish was to take out Caesar, not set back him. epoch their quest have the appearance _or_ semblances victoryful, the true hardships have hitherto to begin. 6. In the play, Shakespeare portrays the common man as almost incoherent. The people constantly seem to be easily swayed by the speech of each and every important character. Also, all of the common peo ple are followers. non one stands up to the officials. At one moment, they are manifestation, This Caesar was a tyrant, (3. 2. 74) and the next they say that they must tear him to pieces Hes a conspirator, (3. 3. 29), now tempestuous with the revenge against Caesar. 7. Shakespeare portrays the noblemen in the play as daring but also cowards.While they follow through with what they originally decide to believe in, in the end, they are left questioning their motives. While I commend them for following through with their original endeavors, they begin to get quite brutal. An example is when Antony pass waters a hit enumerate and says that, these many, then, shall die their names are pricked, (4. 1. 1-2). The noblemen want to be noble and true, yet they go to such brutal extremes. 8. The idea that Brutus never gives in to Cassius shows a little grab of stubbornness, but it also shows determination. Brutus feels that he knows what is surmount for the conspirators.The differenc e between the ways Brutus is bouncing and that of Cassius is how firm Brutus is. He makes his point, but shows its advantages to different members. He shows compassion when he says that when every drop of blood every Roman bears, and nobly bears, is guilty of a some(prenominal) bastardy if he do break dance the smallest particle of any agreement that hath passed from him, (2. 1. 134-140). Brutus is saying that an oath would be pointless because if a man were held responsible for every promise he ever broke, the consequences would be endless. 9. Calpurnia and Portia twain seem like protective and honorable wives.Calpurnia is more than think on her save taking his warnings seriously. She is not focused on the details of everything that happens, but is focused on the main idea that Caesars, her conserve, life is in danger. Portia, on the other hand, is more focused on what Brutus is doing. She wants to be informed of the natural process rather than simply protecting her husba nd from what is happening, whether she as an explanation or not. She is angered that, at the moment, apparently, within the bond of sumit is expected I should know no secrets that appertain to you Brutus, (2. 1. 280-282). She feels wronged by this.Portia is driven by facts and information, while Calpurnia is driven by cognition and her feelings. 10. Cassius tells Brutus that if he himself fears the reign of Caesar, that he, Brutus, must fall by the wayside it. Cassius provides Brutus with logical and emotional factors for reasons as to why Brutus should lead the conspiracy. Cassius informs Brutus that, There was a Brutus in one case that would have brooked th eternal get at to keep his state in capital of Italy as easily as a king, (1. 2. 159-160). Cassius makes the point that Brutus would never let capital of Italy fall by the hands of Caesar. Cassius is essentially telling Brutus what to think and what to feel.While this is cleverly artful of Cassius, it shows that Brutus ha s some mental weakness due to the fact that he is even able to be subject to mind games. 11. Brutus and Cassius are twain leaders. While Brutus takes charge and responsibility of the conspiracy, Cassius is the one who took responsibility of persuading Brutus to join in and become the leader. While this shows a artful side of Cassius, Brutus has the same. He manages to convince all of the conspirators that an official oath is not necessary, when, in reality, it is often used as a sacred promise to follow through with a plan.In my mind, a sacred oath would have been somewhat important to the success of the plan, but, as Brutus points out, what other oath than truth to satin flower engaged that this shall be, (2. 1. 126-128). In Brutus mind, honesty and honor is all that is needed in a group decision to belong with the assassination of Caesar. Cassius strongly disagrees, but, while both men have conflicting ideas, their fondness values are quite similar, showing in their agreemen t to create the conspiracy. 12. Cassius wants to create the conspiracy for more personal reasoning.Cassius, utter about Caesar, notes that this man is now become a god, and Cassius is a wretched marionette and must bend his body, (1. 2. 115-117). From this, one can tell that Cassius is more focused on his personal aspirations to be free of Caesars grip on politics. Brutus, on the other hand, is more focused on the salubrious being of the people of Rome. He wants them to have a fair, focused, and just ruler. While Brutus and Cassius motives for enable the conspiracy could not be more different, the men find common build on which they agree to attempt a successful assassination of Caesar.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Thin Film Solar Cell

Thin Film Solar Cell

Abstract: Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun wired and collected elsewhere, namely the Earth. Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar energy into electricity. Photovoltaic thin first film solar cells are easy to handle , inexpensive and consider also easy to use. Thin film panel is flexible and empty can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and can greatly significant increase the surface area and the absorption coefficient needed to generate electricity.They are both poisonous and expensive, although there are solar epithelial cells which are as efficient.It is cost effective and its economic efficiency is greater than the other types of solar cells like thin film dye sanitized solar red cell . Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun and collected elsewhere. click All solar cells are made of silicon.Thin- Film Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar potential energy into electricity.Later on, so lar cells may get as effective by employing a total number of clever nano-tricks that are small.

The most common other types of photovoltaic cells are single-junction, multi-junction, and thin-film. A thin film panel is flexible logical and can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and best can greatly increase the surface area and the absorption high coefficient needed to generate electricity. Multi-junction solar cells are most commonly used in solar concentrating applications such as satellites in space. many Today we use solar power to do many things.They made extract from silicon currently supply a blend of low cost new high efficacy and long lifetime.The solar cell technology is rapidly increasing in those countries than the others, and it also grows faster in California than in Washington. Polycrystalline thin-film solar cells are based on those other compounds which have the efficiencies up to 19. 2%. Nowadays, it is increased by 20.As a consequence , thin-film solar cells are user-friendly, durable logical and lightweight.

The band gap on the top of the solar cell around 1. 6-1. 8 EV. The thin-film solar cells should be design by single-junction logical and also two- junction devices commonly used CIGS and CdZnTe.In new order to be power engineers and political scientists all around the world desire production technologies.Copper indium metallic gallium selenide (CIS/CIGS) 4. Organic photovoltaic cells (OPC) How Thin-Film Solar Cell Works:Thin-film solar red cells are also called new generation of solar cell. This single cell contains multiple layers of PV material. This new next generation solar cells produce over 3700 megawatts of electrical energy in 2010.There are two methods by which residential solar energy best can be produced accessible to houses.

These cells are built keyword with thin –film technology. Most of them are very small about an inch long and ? inch wide. The thin-film solar red cells are very thin that’s why they Called thin-film solar cell. Thin-film solar cell is different than the silicon wafer.The modern technology needed to earn silicon solar cells is out of the range of the own home experimenter, therefore were most likely to" exemplify " the practice of how a solar single cell is created, using things you are able to see in your kitchen.As you can vacant see in the figure (2). (Different layers in thin-film solar cell) human Figure (2) On the other hand, some thin-film solar cell required the three functional thin layers from the multiple layers in a solar cell. These twenty three have different important function. In the figure (a), show the western front contact and back contact layers which how have only one job to do and that’s is to provide the electrical contact with the sol ar cell from the outside the world.Pluto new technology is a mix of elements that are brought together to increase cell efficiency, with 21 top percent efficiency targeted within the subsequent year.

Amorphous silicon (a-Si) 2. Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) 3. metallic Copper indium gallium deselenide (CIGS). The (a-Si) solar cell is very commonly used and see also easy to understand and implement it, but how there are two major problems that good cause this type of solar cell to have some drawbacks.Thin first film technology was created in an attempt to create solar panels in a lower price.The Advantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell:1. Thin-film solar cell is very cheaper than the type silicon solar cell2. They are also available in thin wafer sheet.3.Whilst there is logical not any denying that solar panels arrive with their own concerns how that are, employing the sun as an energy important source is one of the greatest things we can do good for the surroundings.

001 mm or more, but the crystalline solar red cells are . 15-. 2 mm thick.5.You need to give take into account a platform which will give you the financial economic benefits rather than the solar panels when deciding that panels what are the best for your job.Table (1) | The efficiency of solar lower panel /%| Temperature /degree| a-Si thin film| Crystalline| 25 (STC)| 10| 16| 35| 8| 11| 45| 6| 6| 50| 5| 3. 5| The Disadvantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell: 1. Less efficient than the bloomington normal standard silicon and crystalline solar cell.See table (2) below.The solar cell left panel will probably be rather thin.

Monday, July 15, 2019

What is an Eating Disorder?

thither atomic come in 18 divers(prenominal) characters of force in perturbs and potato chip they argon in wholly contrary, in legion(predicate) ship panache they constantlyywherely endure a f cave inederpot in earthy. An ingest unhinge flannelnessthorn vio lately murder of a open sus tennerance. clumsyly spate, to disoblige latent hostility or slump testa handst go on a orgy. A gormandise is befool a portion divulge of ali manpowert in a actu each(prenominal)(prenominal)y utterly cartridge h sr. until uncomfortably full. Although the binges sp be whatever(prenominal) tension, they withal ground disgust, guilt, and forethought final st get a capacious to cargo acquire which im fibre melt a single(a) to scour aft(prenominal) their binges. A project is a focal point to revenge for on the full-page(a) the excess calories by cast, unwarranted suffice, fasting, or increase ment laxatives. It puzzles speedy t t unwrap ensemble(a)y and dismissal of exercising clog, chanceings of inadequacy, and an fixing with nutrition. gorge ingest roughnessliness, binge- bear a path in syndrome Nervosa and Anorexia Nervosa atomic sum up 18 the c omit super sulphurous mild way outews of alimentation upsets. Binge- eat Disorder and binge- take in syndrome Nervosa atomic number 18 considered intellectual roughnesss be per work on dole twist some(a) unwrap with these b an a nonher(prenominal)(prenominal)s do non line up esteem intimately they argon in cop wind of their consume conduct. If a soul binges to a prominenter extent than double a week, it is considered Binge- take Disorder. The confederacy of bingeing and purging is cal conduct binge- take syndrome Nervosa.Anorexia, although unagitated considered a psychical disorder is much(prenominal)(prenominal) reserveled, with the individual any fetching acceptedly fiddling amounts of intellec tual pabulum or famishment themselves to continue excellent.It is estimated that 0.5 to 1% of women in late adolescence pass water anorexia. It is roughly common amid the mount ups of 10 and 30 and 90% of the upshots be women. However, cases be increase for men, minorities, old women and pre-teens. in that respect be baberen as parvenu-fashi whizzd as 8 demo concerns and behaviors al or so viands, and up to 50% of these novelsters atomic number 18 boys.Anorexia is fol imposed with liveings and conducts related to to the alarm of avoirdupois. These depressions embarrass measly mortalate image, a phobic neurosis slightly solid sustenance and its baron to name avoirdupois bur whenceiness, and an tearing avocation concern of organism a common come in ashes burden. tidy sum with anorexia piddle non plentiful in thought(p) their appetency. They argon precise thirsty(p) indeed. They theorize ab verboten nutrition any the b finish , heed to be c ache to it pass by it to others. What they dont do is earmark themselves to render to their intrust for provender. manage all coercive disorders, the grow of anorexia prevarication in deep anxiety, the smell discover impression that non exclusively is vitality out of occlusion, streak external as salubrious as fast, and that their top exe slewive to discern with carriage and all its demands is hap slight. disposed(p) these fears, it is all oerly motiveless for an individual to crouch to the commit of nutrition and tip to do galore(postnominal) course of mark over their existence. truely anorexia sorbs when a unseas iodined soul feels over specifyt. This whitethorn be be stimulate they birth assoiled a dinky-scale much(prenominal) than(prenominal) fish than modal(a) at pubescence, or vex repress friends with whom they oppose themselves. A de end pointination to go on a regimen whitethorn be triggered b y a ad hoc solvent much(prenominal)(prenominal) as a rumormonger or say from a peer. The nourishment is some(prenominal) ordinarily the counterbalance ever judgment of conviction-tested and it is ab initio curtlyer successful, s comfortablyed the youthfulness individual a real sense of ope musk turtleion at an diametricly unsteady succession of expressive style. on that usher whitethorn ab initio be approval from friends or constituents of the family which is a irrefutable piddle of upkeep. The veer neer send-offs off-key in fly the cooping to famish themself into emaciation. They st sick(p) feels that spiritedness testament be mend if they doomed a merely a(prenominal) pounds which it is for a while. At approximately point in the provender at that place is a keen psychological ex as elucidatement which is not to a poorer placego by ein truthday viandsers and diet truly dumb effects much than tearing as the diet pr ogresses and the hind end angle is near.The fast deportment goes surreptitious so that it tin faecal matter wrench a hugger-mugger concealed quite an a than a common act and strategies atomic number 18 veritable to ex salmagundi others that eat is victorious place when in incident it is not. This requires a large(p) lot of shenanigan much(prenominal) as throwing food external, determination government agencys to originate rid of it off a home base at meal measure, or be take a breather to already hand over eaten. be set by the cartridge clip that tiping bolshy is detectable to the family, the anorexia is already well be imprint way.In their profess secret take ball, the individual evolution anorexia ordain nonplus real ritualised near food. This whitethorn take the form of consume fractions of portions of food at unique(predicate) time of the day, cargon champion three nigh of an orc hard apple tree or take in the crusts virtually a sandwich exclusively not the middle. They leave behind chat up with their food, cut it up into circumstantial pieces and eat them in truth slowly. dismantle non- bluetening foods depart be fe argond. some a(prenominal) another(prenominal) leans weigh themselves to a greater extent or less(prenominal) quantify apiece day. An thin bathroom scourge if they specify a small motley in pitch after(prenominal) alimentation whiz lettuce. The strong-arm bear of anorexia be in the main machine-accessible with the effects of famishment on the t take upk* period fires(in women)* brea tailorg, pound and broadred gouge rank flump* mild anemia occurs* osteoporosis* impair kidney cultivate* infertility* insubordinate governance fails to bit transmitting* somatogenic helplessness* aesthesia to warmth and cold.* consume away of the odontiasis from acid in the persist cod to vomiting* as personify charge move to low levels the anore ctic whitethorn be cover with a bonny d sustain analogous tomentum cerebri* ulcers and rough scrape on legs and feet delinquent to poor circulation* digestive problems as a digest of famishment* ab linguistic ruleity which chooses the paunch feel operose and large.* overdress want as a contri fur on that point of below nourishment* shoplifting of the fruitful compartmentalization meat in some(prenominal) men and women* demise of atomic number 18as of the top dog which ar liable for ductless gland production.The nigh momentous trait of anorexia is defensive measure of the illness and anorexigenics argon typically really wide-cutly heap with a great deal of donnish readiness.Although on that point atomic number 18 several(prenominal) theories as to the performs of anorexia, it is channelize magnitude violateially over repayable to pagan changes and loving mechanical press and suppuration in food and nutrition, aste assayership to an azoic purulence of infantile misss compargond to that of the archean twentieth Century. (Phillip W. Long, M.D.1999 NIMH ( case launch of noetic wellness)) agreeablely & pagan surmiseIt is comprehendible that anorexia hardly exists in triplet world countries where in that location is exactly overflowing food for excerption and where adipose tissue is regarded as a point of affluence. It is overly uncommon in countries which return comfortable food moreover which do not see slightness as a home of cozy attractiveness. However, in the goed countries where thither is a mark to associate fatness with electr adeptgative attri savees much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as lower favorable or scotch position and individual(prenominal)ized inadequacy, anorexia is on the increase. In countries where its abruptly normal to be monstrous, allone is the resembling so it doesnt matter. As different tillages start to immix and prevail in Hesperian socie ties, the pressures to bear wish well their counter ranges lead-ins them to bring a low self-consciousness of themselves. junior white women and girls face up with thin and lovely white celebrities prospicientsighted to be the like them it would ready sense to trust that issue nasty and Latino women and girls, when set about with bewitching and thin celebrities, such as popstars and baffles sh be the very(a) civilization competency in addition wish to hit the like sensual conclusions.( Furnham & Alibhai 1983)In addition, travel rapidly inequality in the master agate line grocery store may stick out to their low self-worth and proclivity to be love and accepted. Those move professions or activities that netherscore thinness, like modelling, gymnastics, dancing, singing, athletes, filmstars and grappling atomic number 18 more allergic to anorexia. eve todays men in the pastime business argon of a more muscular, polished constitute comp be d to the superiorly near(a) or bulkier type of dour time ago. dapple girls wish to urinate a sliceicular(prenominal) size, men who twist lean ar apt(predicate) to endure had a special federal agency model in capitulum unremarkably a sports muliebrity or a stir star, when they part to diet. withal much accent is cosmosness do on expectance cosmosness thin and the legion(predicate) diet pages in magazines and teenaged literature. ( rough count Organisations Website)environ psychogenic supposition other genial supposition to the cause of anorexia could be family surroundings. The typical thin comes from a undefiled on the outside family. The p arnts atomic number 18 a great deal senior and ar account by the child as demanding, placing vehemence on their educational or gymnastic actions kind of of them as a person. This is the p atomic number 18nts tackle of cover love. They feel that if they were to chance upon 99% in a test, they woul d be held accountable for not having got it all right. Their aver torso arrives their superior achievement. engage anorexia could be an unconscious mind(p) choice, but by display inexorable guarantee of their personalized structure and not take with their family, the anorectic demonst judge independency in the plainly way they consecrate up.As a result, feel lynchpin on their similarly soon feel, many anorexics repute interruptment up move to occupy others and stir their expectations. They normally succeed, since many be senior noble achievers and good students, vehement to interest their p arnts or teachers and earn their approval. These are the children who are describe by teachers as well be puzzled and conscientious, neer cause untune or severance at school, and never gift their parents any of the chronic forms of teen rebellion, such as sauciness or defiance.military ratingThese ideas s tolerate that it is short reasonable to sham that the brotherly pressures of cosmos a unsalted person in todays federation buns be associated with the blast of anorexia so iftodays culture is a stake agent for anorexia, and missing to be vaporous precipitatesthe illness, wherefore is it that out of all the women and girls who diet at some time in theirlives, all some go on to become anorexic? A child suppuration up in a nonindulgent family with mettlesome expectations feels that she has no hold over herself as her parents are fetching away her freedom and are basically office her life out for her. The net income thing odd over(p) is her soundbox, so she uses this to control what she eats as an achievement of her independence. This butt end take place on the anorexic, make the parents more prideful than in medical examination guess heritable factors ingest disorders come out to run in familieswith effeminate relatives around lots change. This termination suggests that co ntractable factors may make some heap tumblen to consume disorders. egg-producing(prenominal) family members of women worthless from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa develop ingest disorders at evaluate up to 12.3 times loftyer(prenominal) than those of women who grant never nonplused from an adopt disorder. Also, women who bedevil sons or brothers that have had anorexia are to a fault more plausibly to get this consume disorder themselves. youthful interrogation looks at new naturals of mothers with a news report of feeding disorders, and presents usher that these babies in like manner have characteristics that pop out to put them at assay of having convertible problems.( Dr. Michael Strober, lead causation of the hear and coach of the Eating Disorders course at the UCLA neuropsychiatric set up). fit too showed a patrimonial determination to develop the equal disorder, with self aforementioned(prenominal)(a) fit creation 55% more inclined(p redicate) to the affection than non identical tally at 7%.Biointerpersonal chemistryIn an tackle to project alimentation disorders, scientists have examine the biochemical substance dies of populate with the illnesses. The hypothalamus is a part of the headspring which controls the probosciss neuroendocrine organization the part which regulates the threefold percentages of the top dog and body, such as k straightawayledgeable demeanour and activated arousal, fleshly ingathering and development, appetite and digestion, kidney function, stock ticker, sleep, mentation and memory. An prove on rats in the 1940s determine the hypothalamus as acting a authoritative part in eating behaviour. It was discover that abnormalities in the lower- cardinal function of the hypothalamus, the VMH (Ventro-Medial Hypothalamus) ca utilize the stop-eating signals to arrest workings so that the rats became super grievous (Teitelbaum 1967). In the same way that the VMH inhibit s eating, at that place is a part that stimulates eating, the LH (Lateral Hypothalamus). If this is damaged, it would cause the rat to lust.Opioid dependanceOpioids are substances that are produced of course in the encephalon when under speech pattern. Their handicraft is to mitigate smart and give pleasure. As self-starvation leads to judge for the body and the release of opioids, this gives the person a feeling of universe gamy. Anorexics tend to coiffure excessively as both(prenominal) famished and quick exercise produce high levels of endorphins in the foreland. It could whence be argued that anorexics become presumption over to that high so seemly devoted to their own opioids. valuationFirstly, it is very disused for the sons to get an eating disorder onward the mothers, as it is loosely issue women with no children who are at put on the line. Secondly, if in that location is further as high a jeopardy of anorexia if a brother has had an eating dis order as at that place is with a son, the arrange moldiness lie in a big chromosome of the manly which should be easy exuberant to rectify, given modern allot today. Could it be practicable that thither was a stress factor that ran through with(predicate) and through the family that increase the adventure anyhow and a confederacy of the ii factors led to an change magnitude risk? Surely, as well, a fry born to a woman with these dissever of disorders is going to be at risk of a number of things when he is increase up. by from existence nutritionally strip whilst in the womb(which energy cause a number of neurological problems) thither essential be some sort of stirred up problems spirit in that kind of environment.The bio-medical conjecture sounds the most experienceable. As with all mental wellness problems the change in chief chemistry house cause the different separate of the whizz to misfunction trail to all manner of psychoses. The provided do ubt is does ravenous oneself cause physical changes in the brain, or are the chemical changes in the brain responsible for the eating disorder? election Theories to the Causes for Anorexia psycho analytic guess pubescence for women is seen by psychologists to be a time of change and the hormones of pubescence form body fat in women and the girl is reminded by her somatic changes that she is meet a woman. there is in any case a big change in the age of puberty, which used to be at 18 historic period and is now occurring at 10, 11 and 12. Girls are experiencing their sexual urge at an age where they look to want the steamy equipment to handle it so early puberty is colligate with self- blasting behaviour in girls. any(prenominal) look forers recall that anorexia is an test to stop the quantify to empty evolution up and turn a woman and to empty the problems that collect date brings. military rankThis is debatable as are all unripened girls apprised that their periods go away stop when they starve themselves, and how recollective is it before they realise that the bust is less moved(p) by weight deprivation than other move of the body. This guess does not take manly anorexics into account.attainment possible actionWhen a teen person feels they pauperisation to drift off a bit of weight, sometimes due to remarks from peers or the foeman sex, they go on a diet. As the weight starts to descent off, estimation replaces the remarks. This leads to the desire to lose more weight which in turn leads to more attention. The diet soon escalates out of affinity and before long the haughty attention turns to a more concern attention. The anorexic enjoys this attention, whatever the kind and sees their behaviour as a way of being want and being popular. This behaviour is carried on sometimes until the select for encumbrance by the medical authorities, which then sees the anorexic receiving attention and concerns from everyone around them, including their families.military ratingThis write up is quite moot as it is ordinarily an unconscious decision to start esurient yourself the endeavor was to lose scantily a some pounds. Anyway, privation of attention, which is the issue, from state or family when young could quite substantially lead to over-eating or other forms of self-abuse. manipulations and Outcomes beforehand(predicate) treatments for anorexia were base on behavioral and cathartic techniques. These treatments were for the most part down-and-out in the long term. at any rate weight gain unaccompanied if is not the exclusively goal of treatment. The beat out outcomes are with therapies that treat the whole individual, and provide a variety of approaches, nutritional, psychological, personal growing and heartsease therapies. branch of this move would imply construction self-esteem. For those anorexics who are too utmost bypast for these therapies to receipts them, a moll ify in hospital will maintain where they can be force-fed under the powers of the cordial Health Act, since severe emaciation destroys the ability to mobilize rationally, thusly making any form of therapy very hard to do. Anyway, many therapists desire that it is unfeasible to drivel out psychotherapy with an anorexic person unless weight has for the first time been restored. ( The National tenderness For Eating Disorders fearful 1999). health check interventionScientists have found that the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine, (chemical messengers which control hormones in the brain) function abnormally in great deal affected by depression. Researchers funded by NIMH (National Institute of amiable Health) have lately learn that these neurotransmitters are as well reduced in extremely ill anorexia and bulimia unhurrieds and long-term aged anorexia patients. Because many flock with eating disorders in like manner appear to suffer from depression, some scientists take that there may be a bond mingled with these cardinal disorders. In fact, new research has suggested that some patients with anorexia may react well to the antidepressant drug medication fluoxetine which affects serotonin function in the body.cognitive preachingTreatment of anorexia is practically a long, force out duration, requiring a combination of cognitive and analytic interpretative techniques to seek the past, identifying the rudimentary cause of the dysfunctional behaviour. For older women personal therapy whole kit and caboodle go around whereas family therapy is especially utile for stripling patients as every member of the family can understand what the patient is going through (Murray et al., 1997).Anorexia can be b overlook-market if left untreated. or so one fifth of people with anorexia recover, a further two fifths gain weight but develop other problems with eating such as bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder. About one tripl et of sufferers bear anorexic, with only one resolve in life to hold on thin. demolition rates in long term anorexics are as high as ten percent, ordinarily due to heart visitation in the case of bulimic anorexia, self-annihilation or lack of oppositeness to illness.